When local treatments can’t reach the pests in concealed areas, fumigation is typically the best option. Bite Away is the go-to company when you need quality fumigation that doesn’t cause unnecessary damage to fences, foliage, or your roof.

Some telltale signs that you have termites inside your walls include tiny holes in drywall or molding.

Below the holes, you will often see termite “frass” which includes termite feces and wood particles that they push out of the hole. You may also notice termite activity in your attic which often indicates that termites have found their way down the walls. When your termite inspector checks your home, they will determine if the termites are drywood or subterranean. Drywood termites can be eradicated by fumigation alone. Since they tend to find their way into your home as airborne pests, their presence is limited to the structure itself.
When you have subterranean termites, additional work is required. Since subterranean termites, or “subs”, live in the dirt around your home, a liquid barrier termiticide needs to be injected into the soil. When you have concrete or brick hardscape around the perimeter of your house, small holes will be drilled so the technicians can create the barrier in the soil below. These holes are patched with mortar when the job is done.